Jul 30, 2021
When we fall into sin, God is at work in our lives to remove that from us. Today, as we study Jeremiah 9, we'll learn about God's work in the children of Israel, even as they rebelled against Him. Join us!
As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 40 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from...
Jul 29, 2021
We live in a world where false teachers abound. Sometimes, these false teachers grow are popular because they give peppy, upbeat messages people want to hear. But today as we study Jeremiah 5, we'll see that avoiding the difficult messages of sin and judgment can lead to spiritual decay of the people. Join us in this...
Jul 28, 2021
Shocking! Jeremiah 3:8 tells us that God divorced Israel... but what does that even mean? The answer has major implications for our view of God's future plan for Israel. Thankfully, today as we study Jeremiah 3, we'll see just what God means. Join us for this key study in this key chapter!
As always, we are grateful to...
Jul 27, 2021
When we walk with the Lord, we will see His work in our life, but if that work seems to stop, we should seek to figure out why. Today, as we dive into Jeremiah 2, we see the sins of Israel and how they hard caused a rift in their fellowship with the Lord. Join us as we examine this key chapter on ways we break our...
Jul 26, 2021
Is it possible to have God's blessing but not be very possible? Well, today we'll start our next study in the Book of Jeremiah. We'll see how this chapter recounts the start of a faithful, though not always popular ministry. Join us as we begin studying this powerful book!
As always, we are grateful to be included in...