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Key Chapters of the Bible

Oct 30, 2021

Why do some people mature in Christ and some don't? Often it's related to a mindset. Today we'll look at 1st Corinthians 2 and we'll see the mindset Paul told the Corinthians they needed to have before they heard God's message. We'll find that this is the same mindset we need to have today for us to mature in the Lord!...

Oct 29, 2021

Disputes happen, but how do we handle them? Today as we start our study in 1st Corinthians 1, we're going to see Paul's letter to this church struggling with disunity, and how Paul calls them to unite around the cross. Join us!

We're grateful to be included in the "Top 40 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from...

Oct 28, 2021

Romans 16 contains Paul's final words to the church of Roman where Paul gives personal comments to specific people. The thing is, much of the comments are confusing to us. In today's podcast, we'll explain the chapter and also talk about how to handle passages where we may have lost the original historical context. Join...

Oct 27, 2021

A key aspect of spiritual maturity is coming to the point where we're willing and able to make changes in our life for the benefit of others. Today, as we continue our study in Romans 15, Paul shows us how Christlike love might call us to give up personal things that we might benefit others. This is a key spiritual step...

Oct 26, 2021

There will be times when we don't agree with a fellow believer. How should we handle those situations? Well, today we're going to look at Romans 14 where Paul addresses disagreements over the law and we'll find principles that are just as relevant today. Join us in this practical study in how to have harmony among...