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Key Chapters of the Bible

Aug 31, 2022

Today we look at Micah 5, which contains some familiar verses that we often read at Christmastime. And yet, as we continue through this key chapter, we'll find out that God has a continuing plan for the Jews and that one day they will call upon Jesus as Lord. Join us as we study this exciting chapter!

The Key Chapters...

8/31 Micah 5 - Christmas in August!

Aug 31, 2022

Today we look at Micah 5, which contains some familiar verses that we often read at Christmastime. And yet, as we continue through this key chapter, we'll find out that God has a continuing plan for the Jews and that one day they will call upon Jesus as Lord. Join us as we study this exciting chapter!

The Key Chapters...

Aug 30, 2022

As we continue our study through the Key Chapters of God's Word, today we're looking at Micah 4 which is another look at the End Times. Much of this will sound familiar, and yet we'll find that as we look at this key event from a different perspective, we'll be able to understand God's plan for the End that much better....

Aug 29, 2022

God has a plumb line standard, not just for individuals, but for nations as well. Today, we study Amos 9 and see God's standards for the world and how we all fail them and yet God is merciful and offers an opportunity for repentance.

The Key Chapters Bible Podcast is a daily, 15ish minute podcast that goes over the key...

Aug 28, 2022

Sometimes we can look back on our life and feel like something has eaten up years without us realizing it. In those days, the Lord calls us to repent that we might return to the path of His blessings. Today we're looking at Joel 2 and we'll see the blessings and promises the Lord gives to those who turn to Him. Join...