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Key Chapters of the Bible

Jan 31, 2022

So, we're deep into the plagues and we're seeing God's work to deliver His people. And while Exodus 10 & 11 are both key chapters, and their exciting in their content, they're short enough to combine into one study. So, today we'll cover both chapters and see God's power in delivering His people. Join us!


Jan 29, 2022

Exodus 9 is not your run of the mill "Plagues of Biblical Proportions" story. No indeed! And as we study Exodus 9 together, we'll see that it's filled with several points and insights that show us what was really going on with these plagues, why Pharaoh's repentance didn't cut it, and even some key principles about...

Jan 28, 2022

God will use all kinds of ways to get our attention, and today as we study Exodus 8, we'll see that God get's Pharaoh's attention through an total abundance of things they do not want, in order to show everyone, Jew and Egyptian, that there is no God but the Lord. There's a lot here, and it would be a privilege to have...

Jan 27, 2022

God's deliverance of His people form Egypt was a form of spiritual warfare; and today as we look at Exodus 7 we'll discuss how Satan tried to confuse Pharaoh and the Egyptians back then, and how he's doing the same kinds of things today. And to be strong in the face of spiritual warfare, we need to be on guard and have...

Jan 26, 2022

Today, we're looking at Exodus 4 and finishing up God's call of Moses. In this chapter, we'll see that Moses was a man so lost in discouragement, it was affecting obedience to the Lord. And yet, despite Moses' weaknesses, God will use him mightily. Join us as we continue our study through the Book of Exodus!