Jan 31, 2023
God has all kinds of reasons for why He gives us what He does but we may not always understand what He's given us or why. Today, we're going to look at Exodus 16, when the Lord gives His people quail, manna and the Sabbath and yet they still complained! Today, we'll look into these blessings of God how to rejoice in all...
Jan 30, 2023
Most people come to a place in life where they don't know the way forward. Today's study in Exodus 14 will give some insights about how to proceed. Today we're going to study the account of the Red Sea Crossing. This is one of the most famous records in the Bible, and for good reason. Not only is this miracle awesome in...
Jan 29, 2023
The Bible is full of hidden gems and Exodus 13 is one of them. This passage gives us profound insights into the meaning of redemption and helps us understand what it means that we have been redeemed by Christ. Join us for this important study in Exodus 13!
1. Exodus 13 lays out for us the...
Jan 28, 2023
Today's podcast has an "*" next to Exodus 12 because this chapter is one of the most important chapters in the Bible. It shows us God's work of redemption specifically through the blood of a lamb. This key chapter points us to Christ who is our true redemption. Join us for this study in this key chapter!
Jan 27, 2023
So, we're deep into the plagues and we're seeing God's work to deliver His people, and while Exodus 10 & 11 are both key chapters, they're short enough to combine into one study. So, today we'll cover both chapters and see God's power in delivering His people. Join us!
1. In Exodus 10:2,...