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Key Chapters of the Bible

Nov 24, 2022

When God chooses a person to be His child, He also places them into a church family for ministry to them, and for them to provide ministry to others. Today we're looking at Ephesians 4 and see how God blesses us with gifts that we might all grow together in spiritual maturity and holiness. Join us for yet another...

Nov 18, 2022

There is no message more critical for us to understand than the Gospel. And yet, it's also so easy to misunderstand. Today, we start our study in the Book of Galatians, and we see the narrow path of the Gospel and what we're it means to be saved, specifically what God has saved us from and how. Join us for...

Nov 17, 2022

Every one of us has probably come to passages that at first glance don't seem very relevant to our lives. We know we're supposed to read them, and we grit and bear it, but when we finish, we don't know what to do with what we've just read. 1st Corinthians 16 might be one of those kinds of passages, and so in...

Nov 16, 2022

What should be the core message of the church and how should that change how we live? Today we'll work through these questions as we work through 1st Corinthians 15. This is an exciting chapter with several difficult verses, but we'll try to address them and emerge from this study more devoted to living for Christ and...

Nov 15, 2022

The topic of the Gift of Tongues is mysterious and controversial and often misunderstood. And yet the Bible is quite clear about what the Gift of Tongues is and how it should be used. So, today we're looking at 1st Corinthians 14 where Paul corrects the Corinthians and explains what the true gift of tongues is. This...